Monday, February 4, 2013

Bachelor Chat

I wake up Monday mornings excited for what "Tierra-fying" thing will happen next on the Bachelor.  Those of you Bachelor fans will understand this.  I'm usually not a complete Bachelor fanatic, but this season has attracted something inside me that has completely sucked me in.  Is it the drama?  Uh, not sure.  Is it the single girl inside me living through these girls?  Maybe a little.  Is it the hunky Texan who loves the Lord?  Yup, I think that's it!  This week is a two day special!  Yes, every woman in America suddenly found 4 extra hours in their schedule. 

Okay, let's chat details:  

First off, Tierra makes me yell at my television.  I feel like a grown man watching a sporting event.  I found myself yelling at Sean, "Back away!  Don't do it!"  Tierra is the master manipulator.  She has a true talent.  True talent to completely blind a man and have every woman in American hate her guts.  She would be the perfect evil stepmother in a Disney movie.  I can see it, can you?


This has definitely been the most physical Bachelor there has ever been.  And no, I'm not talking physical like the hot tub make out sessions.  Physical like the Olympics.  The girls have done roller-derby, jumped off buildings, beach volleyball, and now a Montana relay-race.  And poor Sarah.  She already has a disadvantage in all these games only having one arm.  But seriously ABC execs.... can we give the girl a little help?  "Hey girl with one arm, why don't you row a boat, tackle girls in roller-derby, and haul bails of hay?"

Even though the red team won the relay races, Sean invites the blue team back for dinner.  Hmm... someone on that team he wants to spend more time with.  Speaking of which, can we just talk about how stinkin' cute Catherine and Sean are together?  Pure smiles, giggles, and all together adorable!  She's got my vote right about now!

Poor Jackie.  First, she gets a two-on-one date with Sean and Tierra.  Such a bummer situation that anyone would cry.  Then, in her only one-on-one time with Sean she does what any girl would want to do and rats out how terrible Tierra is.  BAD IDEA.  She just bought herself a one-way ticket home.  Guys hate drama, even if you're 100% correct.

"I seriously want to punch everyone in that room," says Tierra.  Don't worry sweetheart, I'm sure everyone else would gladly do the same to you!  "She needs to be given a Xanax and sent home," says Desiree.  I couldn't agree more!

Okay Sean... let me tell you loud and clear.  TIERRA IS CRAZY!!!!  The girls keep dropping hints and you ward it off as drama, but the minute you see a glimpse of her psycho-self, you start drilling the girls for information.  You keep saying you need to follow your heart.  Let me let you in on a little secret, no one's heart craves medicine crazy!

The rose ceremony felt more like a parent scolding their child than a man trying to find his future wife.  Sean, when it comes to crazy, it's okay to be an Indian giver!  Take back that rose from Tierra!!  Although Tierra kept the entertainment level high, I'm sick of her and want to see her go!  Sorry Robyn.  I so badly wish she would have told Sean all the in-house drama.  At that point, she had nothing to lose.

Looking at the previews for tomorrow, it looks like it's going to be another Tierra-ble episode.  Until then...

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